The Puzzle map

by Theresa Mateer

Nidawi is an indian. Nidawi means Fairy Girl. She is 17 years old. Nidawi has ten brothers and sisters. The oldest, Kawasabbe is 20 years old. Kawasabbe means Black Horse. Nidawi's father's name is Wahleeontunkau. It means Big Thunder. Wahleeontunkau is the chief. Nidawi has a best friend names Miging. Nidawi and Miging have been friends for ten years. Nidawi's family lives in Nevada. The camp is very big. There is a lake next to the camp. Nidawi likes to fish with Miging.

One day, Nidawi and Miging got a big fish. They took it to the chief and he said we must have a feast tonight. Nidawi's father invited other tribes to come to the feast. It was so big they could not fit in one tepee. after everybody arrived Nidawi's father said this blessing:

Creator, Earth Mother, we thank you for the bright sun and the rain we received last night. Thank you for this circle of friends and the opportunity to be together. We want to thank you especially at this time for the give away of their lives made by the fish, beets, carrots, grains and lettuce. We thank them for the giving of their lives so we may continue ours through this blessing. Please help us honor them through how we live our lives.

After the blessing, Nidawi's father said, "Let the feast begin." Nadawi bit into the fish, and then she bit into something that was hard. The hard object had strange marks on it. It was a piece of the map, but she didn't know it yet. She put the object into her pocket and continued eating. Three hours later, the feast was over and everyone went home.

Nidawi took the object to her father the chief. He did not know what it was. Nidawi looked at it and said"I see marks on it". Wahleeontoukau Nidawi's father said can I see. Nidawi gave it to him. He said"It looks like a piece of a map. Nidawi went to wake up Kawasabbe her brother. Nidawi asked him if he would come with her to find the other pieces of the map he said yes he would.Nidawi said we well lave tomorrow. that morning,Nidawi suck in to her father's tepee and and got the map piece and got Kawasabbe up. By accident she wake up Miging. Miging did not know what to do. Miging went to get Nidawi's father up. By the time she wake him up Nidawi and Kawasabbe were gone. Nidawi and Kawasabbe were on the way to Texas but they did not know yet. they road on horse back. they took food and water.Back to camp with Nidawi's father and Miging were looking for ware they were going. 3 days later Nidawi and Kawasabbe are a little more then half way. Kawasabbe said it will tack us 2 or 3 days to get ware we need to go. Nidawi and Kawasabbe are running out of food and water. They are 2 days away from Texas. 2 days later Nidawi's father saw the map piece was gone. Nidawi and Kawasabbe are 2 miles away from Texas.they are out of food and water. Kawasabby made a trap for a rabbit. Kawasabbe and Nidawi caught a jack rabbet and eat it. Nidawi and Kawasabbe are still looking for the map piece. they came to a pitch black ally Nidawi lit a match. they found it. that piece gos to the other piece.

But Nidawi and Kawasabbe did not know it yet. They were going to Mississippi. Every night Nidawi and Kawasabbe would camp out and sleep under the stars. Three days later, Nidawi and Kawasabbe are about three or four days away from Mississippi. They rode their horses all day and sometimes all night.

Kawasabbe said, "I think this piece of the map goes to the others."

Nidawi said, "Yes, it does." But the piece of the map goes to a house because a person has it.

They are about two days away. Nidawi asked, "Kawasabbe, are you hungry?"

Kawasabbe said, "Yes, I am. I am making a fish trap. Build a fire, okay?"

Nidawi built the fire, Kawasabbe got fish, Nidawi cooked the fish and they were good. After they were done eating and had cleaned up, they went to bed. The next day, Nidawi and Kawasabbe left as soon as they could. Kawasabbe said they should be there in an hour.

Nidawi and Kawasabbe came to a house and they went in. They followed the mpa piece to a room. They went in and saw two map pieces. Kawasabbe noticed the laser, but it was not hard to disarm it. Nidawi and Kawasabbe took it and put it together. Kawasabbe said, it's a map. Nideawi and Kawasabbe were very lucky because the treasure was in a house three blocks away. They were so excited they could barely hold onto their horses.

Nidawi and Kawasabbe went into a room and saw a huge wardrobe and millions of chests all over the house because no one lived there. It was an old house and it smelled.

Now they were rich. Kawasabbe got a wagon so they would be able to get the treasure home. Two weeks later they were home and Nidawi's father was not mad at her because she brought home treasure. Nidawi and Miging were still best friends. Nidawi never went any place with out Miging

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