An Ancient Map Of The Unknown

by Mikaela Van Vooren

Part 1: Map

The scroll was yellowed in age and almost too delicate to touch. Inside the scroll was a map that was hundreds of years older then the scroll and mysteriously different in many ways. The barely legible scroll was in a script unknown to mortal man and was virtually impossible to learn.

Part 2: Owner

. Patrick

. Jingo town

. A 15-year-old teen with Brown hair with blonde highlights, and brown eyes

. His family consists of his mother Laura (a librarian), his father Robert (a police man), Joe his older brother, His older sisters Jessica and Martha. His best friend (best friend not girl friend) Alyssa.

. Patrick is a nice kid, in the story he happens to be the 'good' guy and stumbles on the map by chance.

Part 3: Setting

In the story Patrick and Alyssa have to travel in the Huzar desert because of what the map seems to be telling them. The desert was (Well I assume that you do know what a desert is, bur bear with me.) very dry and humid with out much animals or plants visible. Any animals that were in the desert are nocturnal (sleep in the night, play in the day) and they always come out at night to harass poor Patrick and Alyssa and steal any food that they may have on themselves. The animals even * the map at one point.

* means tha- Hey! Nooo, I'm not telling you! It's a surprise! Don't even try to figure it out. He, he, he, even if you tried, you'd never guess

Part 4: Other Character


Yunai seams to be a 'him'

He goes wherever his travels take him

Yunai's always covered in his cape with his hood down, and no one wants to go close enough to see Yunai's face, which is rumored to be vile beyond imagining

No one knows how old Yunai is but some say Yunai was unnaturally created after the scroll was lost around 1,000 years ago

It seams that the scroll calls to Yunai & I guess the scroll would be the closest 'family' to it, even though Yunai's never seen the scroll before.

Yunai is rather evil because his morals disappeared over time while it was looking for the scroll and Yunai's frustration only grew so now Yunai's very ruthless and will do anything to get the scroll, and the time Yunai's been searching for the scroll he's gotten more cunning.

One of its problems with finding the scroll is that he doesn't know how to read or use it.

His name is pronounced (U-nah-he) Yunai.

Part 5: Dream: a Map to an imaginary place

A day after leaving home Patrick and Alyssa had almost given up trying to read the map. They were both frustrated and unhappy, and when Alyssa suggested giving up for the night and going to bed Patrick was relieved.

Once Patrick was asleep Alyssa took one more peek at the map, but it looked and felt different and the script was legible! In the little time she looked at it she read something about some 'Taert' thing and evil mailman demons. Suddenly she was transported into a different place entirely!

"Where am I?!" she thought aloud. She then heard a bark and saw a fierce looking dog walk up.

"Who are you?" she asked.

"Cordial! Are you okay? It's me, Snipe remember?"

As the dog said that she was suddenly on four feet! She screamed and woke up. Patrick just mumbled something about six flags. So she tried to sleep, never forgetting about the wild dream.

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