The farm

A farm map

by Liam Bulger

Walking in the door after a good summer school day, Greg hears bang! Greg quikly drops his things and runs to see what is happening. It was his dad and friend tearing down the stairs. Greg decided to go get a snack after a long hard day at school.

After his snack he goes back to the staircase. Greg quickly finds what he thinks is a map. "Look Dad" said Greg, "I think it's a map.""

"You did so find a map," said Greg's Dad. "You should follow it Greg, you might find a treasure.

A few days later, on a Saturday morning, Greg sets out to follow the map.

While following the map and wondering what he might find, Greg walked far down the road. He suddenly realized that he had to stop. The map pointed toward the woods. Greg wasn't allowed in the woods alone but since he had a map, he decided to follow the path.

It was hard to get through the edge of the woods because of a section of thick brush but Greg finally made it through. Once through, he noticed what appeared to be an old road. The map pointed toward the old road so Greg started down that way. The woods seemed mysterious to him and he wished he hadn't been alone.

Suddenly Greg stumbled over a big gnarled root from a large pine tree. As he got up Greg saw a huge german shepherd with scary white eyes, this made Greg feel very nervous and frightened so he ran away as fast as he could with the dog following him. Not realizing that he just ran about one and a half miles, Greg suddenly stumbled through a thicket of small trees and landed in a pile of loose hay.

Just then, a man that was dressed like a farmer, walked around the pile with the dog that was in the woods. He greeted Greg in a kind voice saying "Hello, my name is Austin."

The two talked for a while getting to know each other. Austin showed Greg all around the farm.

He had two big barns, fields, lots of animals and a garden.

Greg loved it there! It was so peaceful and beautiful.

Because he was tired from all of his adventures, Greg fell asleep after Austin gave him something to eat.

When Greg awoke the next morning he went into the kitchen and was shocked to find Austin lying on the floor. He looked as though he was DEAD!

Austin wasn't dead so Greg ran back to his house as quick as he could to get help from his Dad. Greg and his Dad road back on their bikes so they would get there faster.

"Austin! Austin! wake up. " cried Greg.

Tears rolled down Greg's face, he didn't want to lose his knew friend.

"He has a fever, we must get him to a hospital quickly. " said Greg's Dad.

"Let's use the hoarse and wagon!" said Greg.

They had no time to spear, no access to a phone and only a path leading to the village. Off they went to get more help with Austin lying in the wagon looking very sick and weaker than before.

Off they went to get more help with Austin lying in the wagon looking very sick and weaker than before.

When they arrived at the hospital and got help, the nurse said that he just needed some care. The care Austin needed ended up being longer than everyone thought. Austin ended up having to live in a nursing home.

Greg knew this meant that someone had to look after the farm. Greg's family decided they would move and work on the farm. The farm was no longer a secret.

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