the secret treasure island

by Hannah Bulger

Part 1: Map

my map is about a secret treasure island.

The paper is brown with torn edges it is 24 inches on each side and there are dirt stains all over it. The paper is very fragile and it is very old.

On the map there is an island surrounded with water. On the island there is a cliff shaped like a bear and there are also flowers and trees on the island.

There are six clues on the island to find the treasure. You have to dig up the clue and it tells you where the next clue is and it leads you to the treasure.

Part 2: Owner

The main character of my story is named Sharon. She is 15 years old and in her family she has 3 brothers, a little baby sister and her mom and dad.

Sharon and her family lived in Ottawa, Canada but they moved to Hawaii since her fathers's job changed locations. She has long straight blonde hair, blue eyes and she towers over her friends. Her friends enjoy playing with her because she is very nice and funny. Sharon also likes being with her friends, especially when they swim together at the beach.

Part 3: Setting

My story takes place in Hawaii, a very small island. It takes 4 days to walk around the whole island. It is very windy, hot and dry because it rarely rains. The island is covered with tall skinny trees. There are lots of small houses and people on the island. There are also lots of animals such as:
monkeys, squirrels, chipmunks, snakes, mice, zebras, dogs, birds, butterflies and there are not many bugs.

Part 4: Other Character

My character's name is Ellen, she is 15 years old, has long brown hair and green eyes. Ellen is very nice, so she has many friends, including Sharron, who is her BEST friend. Ellen has no brothers or sisters to play with so she reads a lot and is very smart. She lived in Ottawa but she moved to Hawaii also because her father works at the same job as Sharron's dad. Ellen enjoys playing in the water especially when Sharron is with her.

Part 5: Dream: an alien map

One night Sharron was sound asleep. In a dream Sarron and Ellen were in the back yard playing. Ellen was hungry, so she climbed up a tree to get an apple but when she reached for the apple a map fell out of the tree. The map Ellen found was an alien map.

Ellen and Sharron decided to follow the map. They finally arrived to the place where the map ended. Soon after they were traped by a bad guy and he put them in jail. Then a good guy saved Ellen and Sharron. He said his name was experiment 479 and that he would protect them from experiment 480. Experiment 480 was the bad guy. Sharron and Ellen became very good friends with experiment 479 as he helped them find their way back home.

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