Gabriel's Secret Island Map

by Gabriel Shahid

"Time for Breakfast!" shouted Zack's mom from downstairs. "Coming," said Zack getting his clothes on.

When I got downstairs my mom said, "Your father is picking up Ryan at the airport he will be in 3 hours."

With that, I started eating faster. When I finished he went outside to the tree house. Then I saw a hawk circling the air then it dropped something it looked like a worn out sack. I got down from the tree house and picked it up. Then I opened it up it had an old dirty and ripped map. Just then my dad turned in the driveway and I ran over there to see Ryan.

Ryan stepped out of the car and greeted me. As soon as he saw me we both said "Hi." (At the same exact time.) Then our parents told us that we could go and play while they unpacked. Ryan asked me if I wanted to play pirates on the treehouse. "Sure." I said after we were done playing I asked him if I could show him the bag that the hawk dropped. He said okay. Ryan asked me if I opened it and I told him no. I picked up the brown bag and showed it to Ryan. "Can I open it?" Ryan asked "Sure." I said. Ryan opened it "hey look it's a map!" "What!" I exclaimed "Let me see it." I read it and looked up at Ryan "it leads to an island around here. I'll ask if we can go to the marsh."

In a minute we were both at the marsh. "We have to go through the marsh to get to the destination of the map." I said "let's go!"

Around 30 minutes we finally caught site of the island. It was HUGE and was full of trees mountains."wow!" said Ryan "come on let's go."I said

at around 4:00 we got to the island "So,what now?" said Ryan "Hey wait,a piece of the map is missing!" "really?" I said

It had been ripped off the map!

Something tapped me on the leg.

"May I help you out?" It was a talking squirrel!

"Wait a second. How can you talk?" I asked.

"My name is Pad and it is the island that lets us speak," said Pad. "'Tis magic."

"Can you lead us to the rest of the map?" asked Ryan.

"Yes, but you but you have to be careful to make it past the map guardian and the witch and her guards," said Pad.

"Wait! Who is the map guardian and who's the witch?" I asked.

The squirrel sat down and explained.

"The witch cast a spell that none could tell their life story or their real name or he or she would die and so went the same for the witch and her guards. The map protector is a huge bear that turned to the witch's side and is now guarding the map pieces. Even if you do make it past the bear you'll hardly ever make it past the witch's fortress which would be blocking your destination."

"Can you take us to the bear?" I asked.

"Certainly, just be careful," said Pad.

We finally got out of Mt. Blaze and my hands scorched and hurt terribly. Not only did it hurt me but when I tapped Ryan to get his attention, my hands burned him and he had a red mark on his shoulder from there on.

Then Pad told us to stop we got down and peered through some bushes. It was the bear cave! Pad and Ryan discussed a plan I sat near a bush looking at the bear cave. Then something big and furry clung onto my back. As quickly as I could I reached back and I seized the big thing and it immediately let go. Just then I heard loud painful yelp. Then Ryan and Pad made up their minds and decided that they would surround the bear and surprise it.When they looked in the cave no bear! "Oh boy."I thought.