Jeremy Smith

by Jacob

Ability:Reacts and Thinks Twenty Times Faster

My superhero's mind and body reacts and thinks twenty times faster than anyone else in the world. This ability and power enables him to run one hundred m.p.h., walk up walls, have incredibly fast reflexes, and enables him to heal twenty times faster compared to any other man. His other super power is that he can bilocate (which means he can be in two places at one time) and this ability is triggered just by thinking. All he has to do is think of where he wants to be and instantly he is in both places. The problem with bilocating is that when he does this, each body has half of the power and ability.

Character: Jeremy Smith

When Jeremy was a young boy he wished on a falling star that when he grew up he would be different than anyone else in a way that he could be a superhero. His wish came true and now he is ten years old fighting crime. His different powers are first his amazingly strong legs which allow him to run up walls, do many gymnastic flips, and run 1000 miles per hour. Secondly his mind and body moves at a much faster rate which allows him to heal twenty times faster than a normal human, have fast reflexes, and lets him have a sharp mind for school and making his next move on his enemies. Finally Hyperkid can bilocate [which means he can be in two places at one time] to any place he wants to just by thinking where else he wants to be, but the problem with this is that he only has half of his powere in each of his bodies.

My superhero's secret identity name is Jeremy Smith, but when he is doing his crime fighting work his name is Hyperkid. You probably can already guess why Hyperkid has this name. Hyperkid has this name because he is always ready to fight and because no matter what he has energy in him. Some of the other details about my charachter is that he is four feet tall, he has blond hair, he is average to skinny in weight, and always wears a hat backwards. Hyperkid goes to school and has a house like any other kid. He is popular in school and is smart because of his sharp mind, but he has a hard time keeping his powers hidden. He is pretty much like any other kid when he is at school but when it comes to crimefighting he is an amazing kid!

Jeremy Smith( or hyperkid as his superhero's name) lives in LA, California in the suburbs about twenty miles from the beach. He lives in a house that looks totally normal ON THE OUTSIDE, but on the inside he has many hi-tech gadgets which control the house. this is all thanks to Proffesor Twinkletoes, who lives in a secret, underground laboratory. There he has so many tools and gadgets that you couldn't count even in a lifetime. hyperkid loves staying in his room which can only be opened by Jeremy Smith because it is voice activated, needs a thumb print, a secret password, and eye activated. Inside there are hundreds of medals hanging on the walls and dozens of trophies. He has posters of spiderman on the wall(his favorite superhero) and baseball posters of many players. If one would push down his biggest trophie you would find a red button. When you push this button robot arms will swarm you and put on hyperkid's costume. he also has a red phone on his homework desk across the room from his bed.This phone only rings when the F.B.I. calls for his help. In urgent calls he opens his secret chute, which is disguised as a laundry chute, for him to go to his special Hyperkid mobile. His mom and dad live a normal life style( not counting the use of the professor's gadgets) but try to keep Jeremy's powers hidden as best as possible. Jeremy lives in a two story building in a subdivision close to many kids.

Professor Twinkletoes

Professor Twinkletoes has been a good friend of Hyperkids ever since he was saved by Hyperkid from a couple of robbers trying to kil him for his money and has been helping Hyperkid ever since. Professor Twinkletoes is a genious who builds new inventions for Hyperkid to help him in crime fighting. Professor Twinkletoes works in the secret laboratory in Hyperkid's basement where he also lives. Professor Twinkletoes is five hundred pounds, has blue eyes, is six feet tall, and has brown hair. His favorite sport is waterskiing and his favorite book is Dr. Phil's weight loss plan. He always seems to be a gentle man until you get his temper going and he always seems like he is ready to help.

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