Animix #1's Grand Adventure

by Theresa

This is the story of a creature called Animix #1. Animix #1 has zebra legs to run track, a lion tail to play tennis, T. Rex teeth to eat meat, the body of a horse, the eyes of a cat to see in space, dog nose to smell for people buried in the snow, ears of a rabbit to hear a call for help, bird wings to fly to earth, and can speak English to talk to people on earth. Animix's are very friendly creatures and very helpful. Animix #1 lives on Saturn with her family and the other Animix's, where they laugh and do their jobs every day. Saturn looks just like earth but has more country.

Animix #1 She has a mommy named #200, she is great at cooking and makes it very tasty. She also has a dad named #199, he likes to do sports and teach his kids what is right. Animix #1 has a little brother named #53 and he likes to do anything that has fun or adventure in it. He has a few hero medals for saving lives too. Animix #53 is teaching his older sister a trick. He likes to run track, do puzzles with 1 million pieces, and play with his friends #62, #42, and #99.

Animix #1's most #1 things that she likes to do is play tennis and try new tricks with her tail. She is learning a new trick with her tail from her brother, the Tail Pogo Stick Trick. She also likes to run track as fast as a bullet! Animix #1 has two friends she likes to play with, #100 and #101. She has 500 hero medals for saving lives on earth.


Animix #1 told her brother, Animix #53, that she was going to Jupiter to get some of its red dust for a science project about the 9 planets. Then, all of a sudden, her wrist watch alarm went off, the speaker announced (in her dad's voice) "Animix #1, go to Earth". She ran to her room and from her closet she got her bag that had bandages and other first aid things she might need. She got a small glass jar and put it in her bag too. She flew out the window and waved good bye to her brother.

As she got closer to Earth, she started to hear a call for help, it was coming from Salt Lake City, Utah, where the Olympics were! When she got there, she saw a group of people looking around for someone, calling his name over and over. Animix #1 started helping too. Her rabbit ears heard a faint call for help. Her dog nose smelled him. She looked around carefully with her cat eyes. Then she saw something blue in a pine tree. She flew up into the tree, it was a french man. She brought him down and checked him over carefully. Everyone thanked Animix #1 for her help.

Done with the rescue, Animix #1 headed for Jupiter. When she got there, she went into Jupiter's red storm to get some red dust. When she tried to fly out of the storm, the strong winds blew her back on to the ground. She knew she was in trouble. She knew she would not be able to fly out for a year or two untill the storm passed. Animix #1 was grounded on Jupiter!


Meanwhile back on Saturn, Animix #53 was worried about his sister. She has been gone a long time. He called his friends Animix's #62, #42 and #99, and Animix #1's friends #100 and #101. He told them to meet him at his house. When they got there, Animix #53 told them about Animix #1's plans and where she was going. They all agreed that she must be on Jupiter.

Back on Jupiter, Animix was thinking about what she could do. Then, thru the red dust clouds of the storm, she saw a huge shadow moving slowly towards her. With her super, duper rabbit ears she heard growling getting louder and louder. In less then a minute she saw what it was, a Lion-O-Saurus! It's the 100 ft tall creature that blows the red dust clouds on Jupiter! She had to get away from the monster or she would be monster stew. With her powerful zebra legs she ran just before the Lion-O-Saurus got her. When Animix #1 stopped to take a breath, she used the compass monitor she had in her bag to tell how far away the monster was, it read 20 miles away on each side of her. She tried her walkie-talkie to call for help but it didn't work with the storm. "Great," she said to herself, "Now what do I do?"

"Okay, here's the plan to get Animix #1 back," said Animix #53. "We'll go to Jupiter, find Animix #1, and when we get back we can have a party." "Lets gooooooo!" said all the Animix's. And they were off to Jupiter.

What to do, what to do, what to do, Animix #1 was thinking to herself, I can't fly out of here, the storm winds are too strong. I wish my friends and brother were here. She heard something, "Animix #1? Sister? Where are you?" "Down here!" she yelled in her loudest voice. Then all of the sudden, the Lion-O-Saurus was there. Quick as a flash, the Animix's made a chain of themselves by grabbing each others feet to reach Animix #1. They only reached halfway and the monster was getting closer! Then Animix #53 had an idea. "Try my Pogo Tail Trick!" he shouted to his sister. Here goes, thought Animix #1 to herself. Boing! went her tail. "It worked!" said all the Animix's. She Boing high enough on her tail that she reached the chain of Animixs' and they were able to grab her. "Let's get out of here before the storm gets even worse," yelled Animix #53.

On their way back to Saturn they ran into a meteor shower and it was very big. Animix #53, 62, 42, 99, 100, and 101 got knocked back on to Jupiter right in front of the Lion-O-Saurus! They ran away fast. Being the one left in space off Jupiter, Animix #1 had to get help, so on her walki-talki she called the Animix Save You Rescue for help. They came in less then a minute and went off to Jupiter to save her friends and her brother. When the rescue unit got there, they sent down a rope. As the Animix's grabbed the rope, the Lion-O-Saurus was behind them. Animix #101 remembered that she had a camera in her bag. She stopped and turned around, when the monster was in front of her, she took a picture. The bright flash stopped the Lion-O-Saurus and it ran away from them. Up the rope went the Animix's and away from Jupiter for good.

Animix #1 thanked the rescue team for helping her friends and brother. As they started to head for home again, Animix #99 wondered and asked #101 a question. "101, what made you take that picture back there?" "You know," said Animix #101, "I don't know!" "Hahaha!" they all laughed.


"We're home!" shouted Animix #1 to her mom.

"Oh! I'm so glad you are finally home!" said her mom. "When your brother told me you were trapped on Jupiter, I was scared stiff!"

"Mom," said her kids, "We were scared too."

"Hey!" said Animix #1, "Are we going to have a celebration party or not?"

"YES!" all the Animix's cheered (even mom).

Animix #1 looked for a place to have the party. Animix's #101 and #100 went to get the balloons, one balloon had "Hero" on it. Animix's #99, #42, and #62 got the party hats, the blowers, and toy medals. Mom and Animix #53 went to get the cake. Then they quickly flew home. Animix #53 wrote "Hero" on the cake, using his tail. Then he flew to find the rest of the gang.

When they saw Animix #1, they landed in a park next to a big lake. The Animix's went to play while Animix #1 set up for the party. When the party stuff was set up, everyone ran and grabbed a seat, Animix #1 was at the head of the table. After they ate all the cake, the Animix's lifted Animix #1 and put her on their shoulders. "Hurray for Animix #1!" they said, "The greatest hero of all!"

