Wings's Revival

by Katrina

Elizebeth is a beatiful blond haired 7 year old girl who loves and adores horses. Her gentle mother's name is Hannabel and her brawn father's name is John. This happy family lives on a horse ranch, Greatland Ranch,in Europe. The setting is the year 1877.

Part 2

One day Elizebeth didn't have much homework from school she decided to ride around before she started on her homework and her chores. While she was riding, she saw a sign pinned on a stump. She rode closer to read it. It read, "Horse race coming this Sunday! Children from age 8 to 17". "I am going to be 8 tomorrow!" thought Elizebeth.

"I can ride Wings, my wonderful horse, in the race! All I have to do is ask mom and dad." So she galloped off to do so. When she came home, she ran in the house to tell mom. It was like a tornado blew in. "Mom, mom!"

"Slow down,girl!" Hannabel stated sternly. But there were little giggles,too. Elizebeth giggled a little but soon exclaimed what she wanted to do. "Elizebeth", her mother stated, "You're only 7. I mean, you could get hurt."

"I won't", promised Elizebeth. "I really know how to ride".

"Well, I'll think about it. We'll see what your father says."

"Oh! Thank you, mother!" Elizebeth shouted as she threw her arms around her mother.

When dad came home, Hannabell told him what Elizebeth had planned. "Well, I think she should be in the race", he replied.

"Oh! Thank you! Thank you!" Elizebeth shouted as she hugged her parents. That week, she practiced long and hard for the race. She rode her faithful horse Wings.

At last the race time came. She was very excited. finally she got her suit on, got her horse ready and hopped on. The horse race was near so she and her parents rode the horses there. They rode at a slow walking pace so that Wings wouln't tire. Finally, they were there! There were people everywhere! Elizabeth could see horses with riders on getting ready to race. There were horses being saddled. There were horses pawing the ground and snorting nervously. Finally, Elizabeth was ready. Any moment now. Then she heard a man over the loudspeaker say, "Please get your horses in the starting gate. We will call out the horse names. There are ten horses racing at once". As the riders walked their horses to the gate, the man called out their names. "Byron, Footloose, Beauty, Butterfly, Wings, Ginger, Merrylegs, Patch, Eculiptus, and Spiral" Finally they were in the gate. "Calm down", Elizabeth said shakily "And wait for the gunshot".

Part 3

She heard a horse nicker nervously. And then... bang! went the gun as the gates immediately opened. Out flew horses! Patch was in the lead, then Footloose, Byron, Ginger, Elizebeth's horse Wings, Eucaliptus, Spiral, Butterfly and Beauty. The sound of their hooves drummed on the dirt track as they streaked around the first corner. The horses were running pretty fast but they were saving their energy for the sprint point. That's when the horses run hard for the finish line. Wings had a long way to go for she was in fifth place. As they were running down the first line, Ginger passed Byron and Footloose. Spiral was on the side of Wings, trying for fifth. Then around the second corner they went. Wings passed Byron just to get passed by Spiral and Beauty. Patch fell to third place as Spiral got in the lead. The crowd was getting panicky as the horses neared the last corner. Finally, the horses streaked around the last corner. The sprint point was getting closer and closer. Just before the sprint point, Wings passed Beauty. Finally,... the sprint point! The horses were running hard. "Run hard, Wings" whispered Elizabeth. Then she felt Wings gather speed and rush forward. Elizebeth and Wings passed everyone but Spiral. Then the finish line was in sight! It looked far away but then appeared closer every moment. Spiral was in the lead by a head. Suddenly, Wings tripped on a rock! Five horses passed her! Wings managed to quickly get up and run as fast as she could. The finish linie was only a few feet away! It seemed they would never make it but Wings knew about racing and she didn't give up until she was past the end line. Slowly, she passed two horses. Then another. Three more to go! But the finish line was as close as ever! Then she passed another! Two to go! And the finish line was five yards away! Then Wings ran Hard! Wings and Spiral were equal! Then Wings stuck out her nose as they ran across the finish line. Wings and Elizebeth had won by a nose! The crowd was roaring. Elizebeth's parents were jumping up and down as she rode slowly into the winner's circle. It was the gold cup! All the other horses got their ribbons. "Boy!" Elizebeth whispered. "You are are a very good horse!"

Part 4

After she received the gold cup and blue ribbin, the crowd tried to get a picture of her but Elizebeth managed to get away. Elizebeth just doesn't like that much attention. Then she and her parents slowly walked the horse home. When they got home, Elizebeth gave Wings a cool bath, put a blanket on her and gave her warm oats.

"You did well" Hannabell said to Elizebeth.

"Yeah, but Wings did it".

"Well, I don't know what that hoof is going to do. We will take Wings to the vet tomorrow".

"Okay", stated Elizebeth.

That night she was glad they won but she worried a little about the hoof. "She isn't limping" Elizebeth thought. She went to bed and fell asleep.

When Elizebeth woke up, she dressed quickly so she could go to the vet with Wings. When they were all ready, she went with dad. Mom stayed home.

When they got to the vet, Elizebeth put Wings in the horse barn to be looked over while John, her dad, signed in.

Finally, the vet came in. He asked what happened and then told them, "This is one fine race horse! I reckon if she weren't so good she could have broken her leg. But luckily she just has a sprained ankle".

So the vet gave Elizebeth pills. One was for some pain killer. The other was to help Wings' leg to get better quickly. Elizebeth and dad trailered Wings home and then put her in the stall. Elizebeth gave Wings her medicine, fed her lunch and then went inside.
Weeks went by, Wings got better and Elizebeth's family and Wings lived happily ever after.
