In the Year 3000

by Courtney

In the year 3000, the world is peaceful and beautiful. The Garden of Eden has re-established itself on earth. In this great "Era of Peace" man relies entirely on God. There are no factories, buildings, gas stations and other places of business. For in this paradise there is no need for such things. Humanity is in union with nature. The crystal lakes, glassy seas, clear skies, tall trees and all the wildlife are free from pollution, predators and other hungry barbaric creatures. Famine and extinction do not exist in this place of perfect bliss, all because of God's mercy and love for His creation of man.

At this time in world, everyone is dressed in long robes, and all people love and believe in God. There are no heathens, atheists, or persecuters of the Faith. Although the world is not perfect, because only heaven where God dwells is eternally happy, it is close to it.

In the "Era of Peace" in the year 3000, Grace is 14, has curly red hair and a soft complexion. She likes to play the religious games and act out the skits and plays of saints and apparitions along with her friends. Grace especially enjoys St. Philomena and knows her story well. St. Philomena is her patron and Confimation saint. She says her novena often and tries to imitate her in everything she does.

Grace has three sisters and four brothers. She loves to tell them about the holy men and women of God. Grace is very kind and loving. She tries to be charitable all the time.

Grace likes the community priest, Fr. Julian. He is a good, traditional (of course) priest. He has brown hair and is a bit short and stocky. He is an eloquent speaker and loves to give the community children classes to those preparing to receive the sacraments of Confirmation and Holy Communion. Fr. Julian loves all his pupils. He also hears confessions and says Mass at the little church there. All the families appreciate him vey much.

Part 2

Fr. Julian, Grace, Grace's mother and one of her brothers and one of her sisters will visit the Holy Land. The rest of Grace's family and her father will be staying with an aunt and an uncle. The happy travelers will have to walk though, having no means of transportation. They won't be able to take much with them, because they must walk. It'll take a while, but having the ambition and strength, as well as Faith, they will get there safely, many thanks to the kind and loving people who take them in for nourishment and rest.

One kind man especially will take them in on the way there when the weather is getting bad. They will stay there for a few days, though he insists they stay longer until they regain their original strength. Convincing him they get enough rest and things to eat, he sees them off after he packs a very large basket of food and other necessities. They tell the good man they will never forget him and promise to visit him on the way back.

Another lady will take them in one night, when it gets too dark to see. Because they will have have been traveling for a while, they do not go as fast or as far as they do in the beginning. Hoping this wonderful woman would grant them some good food and rest she took them in. She was used to visitors and travelors staying at her home. The main traveling path was very near her house so she was often found willing to cook (of which she did VERY well), clean, and offer lodging to those who needed it.

Grace enjoys most the one widowed woman with her three children. Grace is used to caring for children, coming from a big family herself. So, in turn for the woman's kindness to them, she will help her with her children and in doing a few things for her. When they leave, the children all wave until they are out of sight! They then continue at a steady pace. They are almost there!

Part 3

The evening that they arrive at the Holy Land, they are very tired. Grace and her family along with Fr. Julian leave very early that morning to get there that same night. One of the townspeople asks them to come in for a warm meal and a good night sleep. Of course, they accept the woman's kind offer. Grace and her brother fall asleep that night with the wonderful thoughts of the next day. What would the Holy Land tours be like? Well, they will find out soon!

When they awake the next morning Grace is filled with an inner joy and excitement! They all have a filling breakfast and Father Julian blesses the good lady and they are off! First they will visit a small church in Jabliya and have Mass. Then they are going to meet a group and go visit the Holy Shroud! Then they will walk the next few days to Jerusalem. The next morning they go to Mass and do a pilgrimage to a statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary. After they reach Jerusalem, they will visit all chapels, shrines, and statues and sights in the seven days they stay.

The next Place they go is Bethlehem. Grace has been waiting for this especially. They will visit the place where their Holy Savior was born 3000 years ago! They stay four nights in Bethlehem before they move on again. They then go to Hebron to see the sights and churches there. Mass is said at a little chapel honoring Our Lady.

With all the excitement of the trip, Grace is feeling a little homesick. The month stayed in the Holy Land was truly a rewardingly spiritual one. She enjoyed it more than she had expected, although she was ready to return to the peace and quiet of her own home.

A Mass in Beersheba followed by one in Gaza the next day will be the last Masses they hear in Israel. They then head back.

Part 4

On the way back back, Grace, Fr. Julian, her mother and her brother visit the kind people they told they would see again. The loving widow and her children, the nice man, the good old woman who cooks so well, were all visited again.

After about a week of traveling home, Grace's brother begins to feel ill. Then Grace does. They both catch a light case of influenza. But they soon recover having stopped a while at a the home of a loving old couple. They are fed well, recieve clean clothes and wash up, preparing for the rest of the trip home.

They have to start out a little slower because of the influenza, but soon they arive safely. Grace loves being back home with the rest of her family and friends. All their neighbors and friends made a special meal for the exhausted travelers. Grace is very happy to be home! She thanks God for all they had gone through. Grace is so happy to be home!
