Through the Glitter Mine

by Carina

In the imaginary country of Glitteria there lives a family named the Toyers.

The Toyers speak Craftese, which is a language that consists of pictures and letters.

They live in a house made of red construction paper, on Twinkle Terrace, that Mr. Toyer built. Below their house they have an educational toy store.

They have four children who help them in their shop. Their names are Caitlyn, George, Henry, and Laurabelle.

Laurabelle is the oldest. She is quite skilled at cooking, sewing, and music. Laurabelle also likes reading novels, writing poetry, and going on adventures.

Sometimes when she and her best friend Hannah Smith go on adventures you will never know what may happen.

Part 2

One afternoon as Laurabelle finished her schoolwork the doorbell rang. It was Laurabelle's friend, Hannah Smith, who had come over to see if she wanted to go hiking with her family. Laurabelle ran downstairs right away to see if she could go. "Mom, Hannah invited me to go hiking with her family, may I go?" Her mother said, "All right, but don't stay out too late and don't get lost."

Before they knew it they had reached Carver Park. One thing the girls were wondering was what path they were going to hike. Hannah and Laurabelle were hoping they would get to go on Orchard Slope but Hannah's parents decided to hike the Forster Path. The girls were apprehensive about her parent's decision. They had heard of people getting lost on the path and winding up in an abandoned glitter mine and never coming back. As they walked along they were bewitched by a beautiful garden. They started walking towards it and they entered into a cave filled with colorful glitter. It was the most beautiful places they had ever seen. They started playing in the glitter but then they stumbled and started sliding down a shute. The glitter was smooth and shiny and they were just amazed at all of the colors as they were falling down the shute that they didn't realize that they were growing bigger. "Hannah, maybe we should have stuck to the straight and narrow," said Laurabelle. Boom! They fell on solid ground. Soon they noticed that they were in a field of blooming wild cherry trees and gardens of flowers, which neither of them had ever seen before. "This place is so beautiful, but where are we?" "I don't know Laurabelle but look over in that field. It looks as if a four legged beast with brown and white spots is loose and that women is just screeching. We must go and help her catch it." With a spirit of adventure in their hearts, they both went off on the chase to help Mrs. Holland, the owner of the cow. Bringing the cow to safety, Mrs. Holland invited the girls in for a bite to eat. They enjoyed the meal, however, they were not sure what they were eating. And when they described Glitteria to Mrs. Holland, she didn't understand what they were saying either.

After lunch, Mrs. Holland took the girls to the North Shore. There they saw a big lighthouse and Mrs. Holland told them the Legend of Captain Carmond, who lost all of his treasures in a storm. Eager to learn more, Hannah and Laurabelle set out in search for some treasures. They searched day after day but they didn't find anything but useless rubbish. "Oh Hannah, it's no use, we'll never find anything", whined Laurabelle. "We musn't give up", said Hannah. The next day as they walked along the shore they stumbled across something in the ground. As they pulled it out of the ground, they realized that it wasn't any ordinary box. When they opened it the found letters that were signed, "Your loving wife, Louise" Could these be the letters from the Captains wife?

Part 3

Were these the letters from the captain's wife? This is what Hannah and Laurabelle were going to find out. They went back to the barn at Mrs. Holland's house to start reading the letters. When they arrived they found Mrs. Holland in a huff because her cow had gotten out and she knew what Mr. Black would say when he found the cow in the middle of his fields.

The next day the girls spent time traveling around the island questioning natives about the Legend of Captain Carmond and if the letters had any value. Some said that the story was true and others said it was just a legend. Disappointed in not finding much the girls settled down to have a rest in the barn. Maybe they had been mistaken. Before long they picked up more of the letters and started reading them. As they came to a part in one of the letters which said," and I am unable to take care of the house anymore and I am going to live with my mother. I have buried the key in..." All of a sudden they heard Mr. Black downstairs in the barn and they quickly put away the letter. They ran downstairs and found cantankerous Mr. Black with Mrs. Holland's cow. Before long, Mrs. Holland came, and then instructed the girls to go tell Matthew, the hired worker to fix the fence so that the cow won't get out again. The girls ran off and then Mrs. Holland said her apologies and then went inside.

When the coast was clear, Mr. Black tiptoed upstairs and snooped around to find the letter that the girls were reading. He knew about these letters and he knew that they revealed where the captain's possessions could be found. When he found the letter containing the needed information he ripped it off and silently departed.

As soon as the girls came back, they were as excited as ever to read the rest of the letter. They opened the box and when they took out the letter they found that half of it had been torn off. "Who could have done this?" cried Laurabelle. "I don't know, but this sounds like a mystery to me," said Hannah. "Do you think it could be Mr. Black?" "He was the only person here before we left."

Ready to solve their next case the girls went off to spy on Mr. Black.

Will they ever find where the hidden treasures are?

Part 4

Hannah and Laurabelle started on their adventure. First they sat down and made a plan. They knew that if they could have someone distract Mr. Black and his wife they would be able to search their property looking for the piece of the letter.

Laurabelle gave the orders: "Mrs. Holland, you go over to the Black's and try to sell them some goods. Try to distract them for a while. We will signal you when we are done our search. You go first. We will leave in a few minutes."

As they came over the hill approaching the Black's property they noticed that Mrs. Holland and Mr. and Mrs. Black were in the middle of a nice conversation. The girls stayed low to the ground and entered the house in the back. The Black's house was rather small so they guessed that they would find the letter quickly. First they looked in the kitchen and then in the library. They didn't find anything so they started upstairs. When they entered the bedroom they saw a ripped off piece of paper and a map lying on his bureau. They found the letter!

The two girls carefully located the mansion on the map, took the letter, and left the house. Outside they quietly signaled Mrs. Holland that they were done and they departed for home.

When they reached home they got into a buggy and set out for Walaberry Lane, which was a better part of an hour away. As they approached the mansion they noticed that it looked rather deserted as if hardly anyone had been there in years. Before they could enter they mansion they had to dig up the key. The letter stated that it was buried under the big oak tree in front of the mansion. When the key was retrieved they opened the door and peeked in. The place was covered with dust but they decided to go in. Under a lot of dust and junk they found many valuables such as old pictures of relatives, jewelry, clothing, and old books. "I guess Captain Carmond or his wife never came back here," said Hannah.

When they found the will it said that if they (Mr. & Mrs. Carmond) were to die, the mansion was to be given to their daughter, Catherine Carmond Montgomery or her descendants. If Catherine didn't come live here then who own's this place? Maybe a long descendant of hers lives on the island and doesn't even know. We must go and find out.

The next day Hannah and Laurabelle studied more of the things inside the mansion. They looked at pictures, various items, and tried to find names of some people in the family. Before they went around looking for more they went to speak to Mrs. Holland. When they arrived at her house they found her looking through old pictures. As she looked through them the girls noticed some people in the pictures who resembled poeple seen in the pictures found in the mansion. Had they found any real matches?

After much research they discovered that some people in the pictures were relatives of Mrs. Holland and that she was the great- great-great grandaughter of Catherine Carmond Montgomery. When Mrs. Holland found out she was speechless. "I would have never thought that the story about Captain Carmond that was told to me by my parents and grandparents was true. I am a descendant of the Carmonds," exclaimed Mrs. Holland. This meant that she was to inherit the mansion because she was the only living descendant of the Carmonds living on the island.

Later on Mrs. Holland restored the mansion to its former beauty and moved in. She also set aside living quarters for Hannah and Laurabelle.

One day in spring the girls were enjoying the fresh air outside when all of a sudden theyfelt themselves falling down a shute just like when they had first come to the island. Had they gotten into the size changer machine? Where were they headed now?

As soon as they started falling they met Mr. Sweet from Glitteria. He instructed them to step into the size-changer machine. They were both worried. When they landed they found themselves in Glitteria, reunited with their families.
