Mystery of Robotic JIGGLypuff

by Apryl

In a country not known to any other country called X-Laska is a town, no a city called Julious Ceaser Urbs, and in that city is a adventure about to begin when Powers, her pikachu, Pika, Deltoise, Laura, Tah, Tah's robotic elephant Taj, start on a summer quest to find the 3 year missing robotic JIGGLypuff. They will go deep in the woods and search for 3 whole weeks until finding the robotic JIGGLypuff.

Powers is an 11 year old girl who goes to Arzee school, and who is the star of the story. She has black hair and blue eyes. She is 3'10". She is a dreamer.

Pika ia very mischevious and loves electric wires.

Deltoise an 11 year girl who is the only person at Arzee school who dosen't have a pet. She has blond hair and blue eyes. She is 4'3". She is very bossy and loves the color yellow.

Laura is another 11 year old girl who wears sun glasses all the time. She has green eyes and orange hair. She is 3'6". Laura is very shy and never talks unless Miss. Stat (8th grade science teacher), asks a question. Tah is 11 too. She has brown eyes and brown hair. Tah is 4'. She is smiling dreamer and lives in the same apartment building Powers lives in.

Part 2

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, this time was the last day of shcool.

Tah said,"Why doesn't anyone look for robotic JIGGLypuff?" They were at the Arzee shcool playground waiting for the shcool bus. Deltoise barged in, "Ah, sinking sand? Ah,like thunderstorms? Like prirates? And have you, like, heard of the jungle terror?" "No." everybody said. "Well, there was a washed up prirate in 1705, he is dead, but his 9 times great grandson is alive and steals valubles and threatens to kill you for them. And he might even do it. I learned that in 6th grade, when I went to Teacher's Apple Acadamy. I miss my old school. Wah! Wah! Wah!"

"Pikachuuuuu." said Pika. Pika stayed on the bus after Powers went to school.

Powers decided to make a quest to find the robotic JIGGLypuff. Pika, Tah, Deltoise, and Laura decided to join her. They each brought 8 sets of clothes. Tah bought n orange tent for $16.00, a laundry basket that cost $1.01, and a compass for $.25. She had only $.50 left over. Powers bought 70 batteries for $1.50, a cigar lighter for $.20, and a box of 96 food packs for $3.00. She had only $7.39 left. Pika only bought 3 electric wires, for $.3.

Deltoise's parents bought her a study with a lamp and a collection of gorgeous fans, and a tv! Laura bought 2 boxes of food packs for $6.00, a hammock for $.10, a diary and 2 pens for $.4, and a portable fan for $.1. She had no more money left over.

On the 3rd day of walking, they came to the jungle.

On the 8th night since they started, Powers and Laura had a dream that they saw robotic JIGGLypuff in a tree eating berries with Pika. Then they woke up. Deltoise and Tah were still asleep. Pika said, "Pika pika chu ka chuuu". Laura asked, "What is Pika saying?" Powers said, "That's nice. Let's pick some flowers to make Deltoise feel more at home. Because her family's mansion has flowers all over. Come on, let's go!"

Laura, Powers, and Pika went to the meadow and they saw robotic JIGGLypuff picking flowers. Then, the tiny pink robot held the flowers and sat as still as a picture for a while.

Laura brought her diary and pen and drew robotic JIGGLypuff.

Then, after she was done drawing,they all ran to tell the others but suddenly Laura's foot sank into green sandy soil.

Part 3

Then robotic JIGGLYpuff pulled her out and disapeared. Taj was the first to see them when they came back. The girls were so excited that they yelled and yelled. They started to look for JIGGLYpuff, but they coulden't find him !

Two days later they found him at a waterfall. He was looking at gold coins and jewels. Then Ramadurn jumped out from behind a rock and yelled, "Aye, landlubbers! Iv'e got some rope to tie you silly girls up!" Then he grabbed the screaming girls and tied them to a tree. He also grabbed robotic JIGGLYpuff and said, "Good job! Now wev'e caught these noisy, sleep-walking, scurvy girls."

JIGGLYpuff started to cry. He could not run away from the evil Ramadurn or go hiome to Jungletown. He knew his owner, Professor Scardecat was waiting for him. The girls started to cry because they were afraid of Ramadurn.

That night Ramadurn's good twin, Pennadurn came and heard "Honkkk-eggg-wheeezeee, Tonkkk-erddd-wheeezeee. Wheeeziiilll-bhooonnnkkk" His brother Ramadurn was snoring again!

Then Pennadurn saw that robotic JIGGLYpuff was untying the girls. Powere's pikachu was trying to help. Pennadurn told Pika to go shock Ramadurn and keep him away from the girls so that they could escape.

Pika shocked Ramadurn awake and Ramadurn yelled," Get over you swab !" Pika stuck out his tounge at Ramadurn and ran to the rocks by the waterfall. Ramadurn was right behind him. He picked up a big stick to whack Pika with. Pika looked down and saw the pirate's gold and jewels. He knew that the pirate loved his gold so Pika grabbed the bags of gold and jewels and threw them over the waterfall!

Ramadurn was so worried anbout his gold that he jumped right into the water after it. The water pulled him down, down, down the waterfall.

Pennadurn untied the girls and they thanked him for his help.

Part 4

When Ramadurn finally got out of the creek,he found one of Pennurn's feathers. He knew that Pennurn let them free and ran after them! He followed their footprints to Julious Ceasar Urbs. Deltoise,Laura,Powers, and Tah were wearing shoes.

Four days later Ramadurn looked at Julious Ceasar Urbs. He saw a huge crowd congraulating the girls,Taj and Pika for finding the robotic JIGGLypuff. "They have my treasure!" he said to himself. Then he ran down to the large city! Everybody noticed him because he yelled, "I want to kill those girls and their ship rat! I want gold!"

Then robotic JIGGLypuff sang "Jiiiiggllyyyypuuff, Jiiggllllyyyy,yyyy puff." Its lullaby put everybody in Julious Ceasar Urbs to sleep. "Jiiigglly,jiiiigggllly,jiiiiiiiiiigggllly puff" it ended.

Taj, who didn't fall asleep because it was just a robotic elephant, ran to get officer 45. He was it's friend, so it knew he was patroling outside of town. Officer 45 put the snoring Ramadurn in jail for life.

The robotic JIGGLypuff was suprised that Taj did not fall asleep through its song.

After everybody woke up, Dr.Scard E Cat got Robotic JIGGLypuff, Pennurn moved to jungletown, and that is all to be told now.
