Thomas Junior
the Robotic Synthoid Daggersaur

by T.J. Lockhart

Owner: Thomas Sage

One of the enemies of Materon is the evil Doctor Laser. Doctor Laser is a mechanical genius who wants to control Materon by force. He has wild, long, bright red hair and red eyes. Doctor Laser has a very small build. He is only five foot five inches and weighs one hundred thirty-five pounds.

He lives in the Kingdom of Darkness in a colossal, black, bulky, dark castle. The Kingdom of Darkness is forbidden to everyone, and is a very evil place. It is located one hundred kilometers north of Matteron. Doctor Laser has a flag hanging on the top of his castle. The flag has a red laser beam firing into the darkness. The castle is protected by an automated laser system that locks onto moving enemies and fires one of their many lasers. The castle is lit by laser rods that run across the ceilings of the rooms in the castle. It is heated and cooled by electricity. Doctor Laser receives electricity from a machine that turns some of the everlasting Darkness into electricity.

Thomas Jr.'s owner is a human male. His name is Thomas Sage. He is twenty-one years old and he is six feet tall. Thomas has a muscular build and weighs approximately one hundred ninety pounds. He has ice blue eyes, pale skin, and has short dark brown hair with blonde highlights in the front of his head. He is very wise and thoughtful of others. Thomas occasionally jokes around. He is also part of the police squad and wears a black flight suit.

He lives in the D.S.H.(Defense System Headquarters) with the other people who are part of the police force. They live across from the R.S.D.'s. (Robotic Synthoid Daggersaurs) The police force, on their side of D.S.H., has two hundred apartments. Each person has their own apartment. The apartments are heated, lit, and cooled the same way the R.S.D.'s apartments are. The apartments are the same as the R.S.D.'s except for a few differences. First, the police force's apartments have a dishwasher, plates and silverware. Second, their apartments are way smaller. Lastly, nothing is reinforced. The reason things were reinforced in the R.S.D.'s apartments was because the Robotic Synthoid Daggersaurs weigh a ton,

My pet lives in the future. The time period is five thousand a.d. The city is named Materon. It has tall towers shaped like cylinders with rings around them.

Life is different in the future. People don't ride regular cars; instead they ride hover cars. In the present, we have skateboards or scooters, they have hover skateboards and jet propelled scooters. In the future, people don't have to go to the grocery store. They have a computer that they type in what they want to eat and it appears next to it.

In five thousand a.d., the world is at war. The city, Materon, has a one thousand gigavolt shield that will go up and around the perimeter when enemies attack. If enemies get past the shield, there are mini multi-cannon guns that come out of the top of buildings. The city has a police force whose officers have laser guns as their weapons. The city has another force called Defenders of the Just. That force has twelve Highly Evolved Robotic Synthoid Daggersaurs. My pet, Thomas Jr., is one of them.

He lives with the other defenders in the DSH, which stands for Defense System Headquarters. That building is a mile long on each of its four sides! The D.S.H. is where the police force and the R.S.D.s [Robotic Synthoid Dagersaurs] live. Half of the building is for the police force, and the other half for the R.S.D.s.

The Robotic Synthoid Dagersaurs have twelve apartments, one for each of them. Each apartment has one hundred yard high ceilings. They also have a reinforced table, chairs, a couch, and a bed. The apartments have three rooms, a bedroom, a living room, and a kitchen. When you walk in you can see the living room, with the reinforced table, chairs, and couch. There is also a T.V. and a remote. If you turn left and go straight through a door, there is the bedroom with the reinforced bed. To the right of the living room is the kitchen. The kitchen has a refrigerator, a freezer, and a food computer. It does not have a dishwasher, because my pet eats without a plate and silverware. Instead, he eats with his hands.

The apartment is lit by glow rocks. Glow rocks give off light when activated. The apartment is also heated and cooled by heating and cooling rocks. The heat rocks give off hot air when activated, and the cooling rocks give off cool air when activated.

My pet is a highly evoled Robotic Synthoid Daggersaur. The left side of my animal is robotic, and the other half is animal. It is as big as a T-rex. It has the same amount of legs and arms of a T-rex:two arms and legs. It has one head located on top of its neck and has two eyes, one real, the other robotic. The robotic eye is a movement sensor. The robotic half is a shiny grey. It has a laser cannon for its arm, and a thruster jet-pack for its left foot. The animal side has greenish-black scales and spikes down its back. It also has claws on the ends of its arm and leg. My animal's mouth is split down the middle too, so the robotic half eats with the left side of the mouth, and the animal half eats with the right side. The robotic half eats anything metal. The animal half is an omnivore.


It seemed like an ordinary day for me, Thomas Sage, and my new pet oryx, Kenya. I took Kenya for a walk around one of Matteron's few lake reservoirs. All of a sudden, Kenya darted right past me. It surprised me at first, but I ran after her. She ran very quickly and I started to lose sight of her. Then, I saw a hover scooter for sale. (I would have used mine, but it was being fixed.) I rushed over and bought one for a fortune and started to chase after Kenya.

Meanwhile, Kenya ran past the robot security officer. A robot officer is placed at the beginning and the end of sectors. Kenya darted up, down, left, right, through streets and alleys. She even ran through a jewelry store. When she finally found the exit, she was covered head to toe with sparkling and beautiful jewelry. Soon, Kenya came to a dead end. If she took one more step she would have fallen off the steep and treacherous cliff. I finally caught up with her. I jumped off my hover scooter and ran toward her, but just before I could reach her she started to fall off the cliff. Right as she was going to reach the bottom of the cliff with sharp rocks, I woke up with a bang!