the Rezacoya

by Matt Pringle

Owner: Matt

Blitz and I have a friend named Nano. He is 14 years old and a cyborg. He created nano technology. He has a cord that comes out of his robot arm that he can attach to any car, computer, airplane or anything electronic and transform it or be able to command it. What it transforms into is a way more powerful, totally cooler version of what it used to be. He also has a small chip that he can attach to any vehicle and he can mind control it. That means he could tell the vehicle what to do with his thoughts. He got special government permission for a drivers license. He also has a special pet like Blitz. His pet is a small Dragon named Kitar. (Pronounced Kee-ter). Kitar plays with Blitz all the time. They love to fly up around the clouds doing loops, twists and dives. Nano and I hang out all the time too.

Hi this is Blitz. My owner is busy so he asked me to write about him on this on-line class that he's taking. Well, for one thing his name is Matt and he's had me for about three years now. He has three brothers and two sisters.(Two of his brothers, Glen & Quincy, are taking this on-line class too). He is 12, very tall, and has dark brown hair. His favorite sports are Football, Basketball and Baseball.

He's always telling me he doesn't like video games but I've seen him playing them. (I think the only times he doesn't like them is when he loses). He also likes to read. He could probably read forever (or at least until he got hungry enough to stop.)

Blitz lives in Florida. He has a family that takes care of him. They live out in the country, in a two-story house with a pool. He loves to swim and play in the pool.

Inside the house he has his own room. In his room he sleeps in a laundry basket with a small pillow and a wool blanket. He also has a large TV with a Playstation2 hooked up to enjoy on a rainy day.

The backyard is very large and there are a few trees that he likes to climb. There is also a playground, and he plays there often (unless it is raining). In the backyard he plays games with his owners. The games they play include catch, football, tag, hide and go seek, and capture the flag.

Living in Florida, he visits the beach often. The beach is very far away, but Blitz can fly up to 150 mph so he gets there in no time. At the beach he enjoys building sandcastles and then playing in them.

He also likes to dive-bomb them and pretend he is a fighter pilot.

Blitz is a small lightning-bolt creature. He is yellow and about 10 inches long. He has light blue eyes and has long thin ears that stand the upper sides of his head. He can fly, is very fast and can travel through anything electrical. He likes playing football and loves eating sour candies and ice cream. He enjoys the warm weather in Florida, where he lives. Blitz prefers to sleep curled up in a warm blanket on the end of a bed or on the floor.


Last night I had a very bad dream. Not a dream, but a nightmare. But this was way more creepy than just an ordinary nightmare. I was in a strange land. Blitz was with me. I could not see very much grass and what grass there was it was all dry and burned. All along the horizon the ground seemed to be on fire. The sun had grown much larger, for it was a very old star. It was much larger than any of the mountains and bright red, like the embers of a fire. Even though the sun was larger it did not give off very much light. Then I head a scream. I climbed to the top of a nearby hill and I saw a very tall man carrying two small children wrapped in bundles of cloth in each arm. I laid flat on the ground and motioned for Blitz to do the same for I did not want to be seen. The screams that I heard had to be a woman's but I could not find where they were coming from.

The man, from all the fantasy stories that I have read and the pictures that I had seen, had to be an elf or at least a half-elf. A sort of evil power radiated from this man. I decided to follow him. We walked for a long time. Eventually we came to a large tower. He looked around before he unlocked the door and I grabbed Blitz and ducked down behind a rock but I think he saw us. We sat there behind the rock not knowing if he was coming or not but then I heard the shut of the door and I saw him go inside. We waited outside not knowing what to do. I wanted to go home so badly and be away from this horrible place. Then the door opened. Out of the door came the most frightening thing I have ever seen. A giant, two-headed cobra was sliding out of the door. I am not a big fan of snakes so this one was creeping me out. It slid right up to us and stared at us with its horrible four eyes. I could recognize the cobra language between their eyes "death" is what it read. Now that was something. I woke up after that and let me tell you I do not want to go through that again. What is amazing is that Blitz had the same dream too.