the Toadise

by Maria Brown

Owner: Jordan

Jordan's best friend's name is Thomas Williams. Thomas is 10 years old and in 5th grade. He does all the after school activities that Jordan does. He lives with his Mom, younger sister and dog, Buddy(his father died in a car accident when he was 4 yrs old). His sister, Charlotte, and Jordan's sister, Veronica, are best friends too. Thomas thinks Quinton is a great pet and he wants something like Quinton sometime. He and Jordan have been best friends since they were 5 yrs old.

Quinton's owner's name is Jordan. Jordan is 10 years old and in 5th grade. He lives with his parents and little sister. He does lots of after school activities like hockey, basketball and electric guitar class. So sometimes he doesn't have time for Quinton. He loves Quinton very much though! Jordan likes being with Quinton everyday. Every day he'll make time for him. Jordan feels happy even feeding him or just taking Quinton out of his cage for a minute.

Quinton did live in the rainforest in South America but got caught. He got brought to a pet shop in Pennsylvania, US. He lives in a nice big glass cage. His habitat is very nice. He has a small pond, lots of his favorite shrubs, a nice little house and a food dish. His owner lets him play outside a lot and what Quinton likes best is to go to the brook beside his owners house. He loves bouncing over it and into it.

Quinton is a Toad and a Tortise put together. A Toadise is a green Toad with a brown shell. Quinton can slide into its shell and jump really high. He's found in the rainforest and can swim through water. His water that he prefers is fresh water but he can swim in salt water to. Quinton's not as slow as a Tortise but can still be slow at times. He's a great pet and will live in whatever habitate you put him in.


Jordan was in his bed asleep. He was having this weird dream. He was dreaming that he was in the ocean. He was swimming through the ocean with nothing on his mind until he came across this rock. Behind the rock is a shark. They swam and played together all night long. Then all of a sudden, Jordan had a birth certificate . He looked at it and the sharks name was Pendulum. There was a giant shell with lots of stuff in it. It was all of Pendulum's stuff. Jordan now owned Pendulum! They were laughing and swimming until Jordan heard "its time to wake up"and his mother was calling him. 'It was all just a dream' he thought to himself.

Quinton the Toadise