the Giraffe

by Lydia James

The barn where Kenny spends most of his time has already been described to the fullest so the other important places in my story will now be described.

The woods beside the barn are considered the safest, a straight path with trees along each side. Every few yards a tree stump can be found, and are commonly used as rest stops for weary hikers.

Below the barn is a huge pond. Past the pond is another forest where no one ever goes. The main reason is because it is known as "enemy territory", coyotes and bobcats roam there with caves for homes. Between the caves is a stream which turns into a creek during rainy season.

My house is where the four dogs hang out. To the right of the house is a big Butter Nut tree which is where Shadow, the older Black Lab is tied.

Meanwhile the giraffe was getting acquainted with his fellow barn mates. The first thing Kenny saw, for that was his name, was a yellow cat staring right into his eyes.

"Hmmm, you'll do", she said. "Oh, I'm so excited. I shall teach you everything I know and together we will be the protectors of the barn!"

Kenny's jaw hung down as far as it could go which was fairly far. He quickly shut it.

"Well, I suppose I cold help protect a barn." he said.

"Good answer, someone intelligent for a change. My name, given to me by the humans is, Honey. We cats never reveal our secret names until we have used up our last life."

"What!" Kenny said shocked.

"Just joking." She led him towards the back of the barn and into a room with a chicken coop,in which housed twelve hens.

From inside the coop, you could hear a hen clucking, "Oh, Ophelia! Box five is open you can lay now," this coming from a rather large, plump hen.

"See, rather ridiculous creatures." she told him. "Hens, I'd like to introduce you to Kenny."

"Hi!" they all squawked in unison.

"Nice to make your acquaintance,"he replied.

"The biggest reason we need another protector is because the enemy has been paying us unwelcomed visits." Honey explained.

"Tis true," agreed a tiny hen. "I remember the weasel that attacked Henrietta, poor dear, hasn't laid an egg since. Now she sits in the corner of the coop all day blowing bubbles."

"And now we will begin the training. Say bye hens."

"Bye!" and a chorus of clucks begain to fill the air of the coop.

As soon as they descended to the lower level of the barn, Honey again began speaking.

"First, things first. I will be training you in hopes you'll be able to replace my brother, Willy, as head protector, God rest his soul."

"Oh, I'm sorry." Kenny sympathized.

"Never mind. I will begin teaching you in the arts of Kungfu, Karate, and voice mimicking."

"Why do I have to mimick voices?"

"Well, for instance if you can imitate a bear's growl without the enemy seeing you, it will scare them off."

"How do you know I'll be allowed to stay?"

"Easy, this family always keeps strays. Almost everyone of us are living here because we were unwanted, dropped off by some uncaring owner to fend for ourselves, well, till we found this kind family. They don't usually turn anyone away."

Meanwhile, up at the main house, I was breaking the news to my mom and dad.

"Mom, dad, you know how we are always finding strays? For instance, dogs, giraffes, cats, you know strays?"

"Yes. What? Did you say giraffe?" my surprised mother said.

While I was explaining why we should keep a giraffe, Honey continued the training of her new found sidekick.

"And now martial arts rule number one: never rush into a fight. Here's the line," she said as she drew a line on the dusty barn floor. "I dare you to cross the line." said Honey wearing her small kimono, which I have no idea how she got.

"Actually, I have a confession to make," said Kenny. "I'm very near-sighted. I can barely see you across that line."

"Looks like I've got my work cut out for me," thought Honey.

Now there were the four dogs who lived at the house. The two black labs were priviledged to live inside while the other two lived on the back porch.

"Hey, did you hear about the giraffe that ran away from the circus?" yipped Jenny the old dog.

"No, I didn't, " replied Lady, the young black lab.

"Hey, guys look at that thing coming out of the barn. I've never seen anything like it. That is the goofiest thing that I have ever seen" Lucky, the half husky, half golden retriever exclaimed.

Then Shadow, the older make black lab, began to a series of low, intense growling from the end of his leash, the leash from which he is never entirely freed from. "He better not be expecting my welcome."

I finally convinced my parents that keeping Kenny was a great idea. I stated that the circus couldn't have really cared about him because they had made no attempt to find him. But Kenny's time on the farm so far had only been bittersweet. The four dogs were immediately jealous so they continually made fun of him especially when he would bump into things. Kenny thought Honey was nice but he couldn't get that karate chop right. He soon began to wonder if he really wanted to stay.

For several days Kenny's trouble continued. He had a bump on his head to prove it. The previous night he had been sleeping peacefully in his stall when his dreams were suddenly interrupted by hair raising howls. As soon as he heard them he jumped straight into the air,bunping his head on the beam of the ceiling.

The next day as Kenny and Honey were walking to the spring house for a drink of water,the dogs began their jeering again. "Hey you here those coyotes last night Mr. Guardian? Think your're going to protect the barn from them? Ha!" Shadow mocked at Kenny. "Well think again because the only thing you'll do is run." The others let out snorts and giggles in agreement. Kenny frowned,then bent his head for a lap of water.

"Pitiful is that the best you got! Come on Kenny let's go. Don't let them get to us," Honey said decidedly.

The following morning Shadow had this incredible itch to run. He smelled something wild in the air. He couldn't put his paw on it. It taunted him until he felt like a victim of an unknown torture. This scent came from the forest behind the pond.Shadow could no longer stand it. He summoned all his strength and pulled. He was surprised at how easily the leash broke but that didn't stop him from running. "Shadow come back!" shouted Lady. "Your chain is going to get caught on some unknown object. The humans will be so angry that none of us will get a dog treat." Shadow may have heard her but he kept on running.

Kenny saw Shadow entering the forest. He decided to follow as his giraffe sense tingled.

Shadow came to a moving creek. He began crossing as he blindly followed his nose. Half way across he felt choked. Turning abrubtly he saw his leash was caught on a fallen tree. A chill went up his spine. Was it because he felt scared? Or was it the cold rushing water that came to above his knees?

On the other side of the creek a group of teenage coyotes were standing on top of their caves. "Hey dudes and dudettes look at that crazy dog stuck in the water," one of them exclaimed.

"Wow,cool! Let's go make fun of it!"the leader said

"Totally," they agreed and started leeping from rock to rock.

Suddenly a tall yellow figure appeared in the distance. He waded into the water beside Shadow to set him free then,looked at his hooves in dismay.

"This is turbular man ,I haven't made fun of somebody since well,yesterday. So totally long ago," the alfa leader mused.

"I knows whatchas' saying," replied the second in command.

Shadow saw them coming. Kenny sensed him stiffen but could not make out what he was looking at. He stared and stared but all he saw was blurrs.

"Hey,dudes wait a second,what is that freaky unatural looking creature? And why isn't he running from us?"

"He's gigantic,he must be freaken strong! I bet he wants to fight!Look how he's glaring at us. How about you take him on chief?" suggested the runt of the bunch.

"Say what? I,um,think we should like scram because obviously,I mean that thing is from like the underworld. We all know we cannot take on unatural forces."

"You must be right alfa dude, let's beat it!" And being of cowardly natures, that's exactly what they did.

The End.