the Pygmy Razzasaurus

by Gina Hawersaat

Owner: Katie Barlow

Katie has a brother named Fred. Sometimes he is nice but is mostly mean. He has a pet monkey that swings around the house screeching. His room is on the very top floor. Nobody ever goes up there because there was once an explosion. He likes to play with explosives. He has black hair and brown eyes like his sister. He is 9 years old. Not many people come in the house while he is home. His favorite books to read are horror stories about mad scientists.

Katie is 18 years old. She lives in a mansion and never does any school or chores. She invented a robot that cleans the house,does the laundry,cooks the food, and much more! Soon she sold it and became a millionaire. She goes shopping twice a week. She goes camping at least 6 times a year. Her favorite food is pierogies. At a fair last year, she won a lifelong supply of Skittles. She lives in Hawaii and her favorite thing to do is surf. She has long black curly hair. She has brown eyes with dark curly lashes. She has a pink convertible with leather seats.

It lives in a hut,which is like a doghouse thats inside. The house is one story. Has six rooms in all. It seven hallways,one is as long as the house! They have a florist and banker for neighbors. There are about 712 kids in the neighorhood. They live in Hawaii.

A modern day Dinosaur,it is copper with purple stripes across it's back. It is about the size of a rabbit. It roams around the house, is litter box trained and eats only chocolate. It eats in the morning and at night. It squeaks when it wants something and purrs when it's happy. It likes little kids. It has very sharp teeth and blue eyes.