Icky Isaac
the Zebra

by Ben Schweitzer

Icky Isaac the zebra is only three feet tall and his stripes are going the wrong way. Where his white stripes should be there are light red stripes and his tail drags on the ground. He is also very fat. One of the strange things about him is that he is nice on even days and mean on odd days. We think he is as old as a zebra can get. His owner, Miss Prunella is 5'3" tall and is a little overweight. She is ugly. Her face is wrinkly with warts. She has curly gray hair down to her shoulders. She is mean. She drives around on a motorized wheelchair, the kind you see at the grocery store. Old people and people that can't walk very well use these. Miss Prunella is not very talkative, but when she talks what she says is never nice.

This zebra lives in a small town in Texas about 50 miles west of Killeen near the Colorado River. This town is so small that they didn't even take the time to put it on the map. I don't even think you can call it a town, it's more like a flat land with 10 houses on it with nothing else for 50 miles or more. On the edge of this small town, 1 mile from my house, is a trailer. Now this zebra lives in a doghouse near the trailer.

In this small town lives a young boy named Todd. He is 10 soon to be 11. He has brown hair and blue eyes and is 4'7". He is smart and loves to play outside. Even though he isn't big, he is tough and strong from all the hard work he has to do. For instance his family has some cows and horses so he has to build barns and carry hay bales . Remember he lives in a small town so there is lots of work to do. He is nice and has lots of friends, well, as many as a lot is in a small town.

It was Todd's birthday and his friends were just arriving to celebrate it. After they had eaten, Todd was opening his presents and his father gave him a 30-30 rifle.

So he and his friends decided to go coon hunting. They had treed a coon when Todd heard a weird noise. So he told his friends they could shoot the coon and he was going to go check out the noise. He followed the noise and found himself near Miss Prunella's trailer. It sounded like it was coming from her doghouse , but he knew she didn't own a dog and that she hated dogs.

Todd went up and looked inside the doghouse.

There was a really odd shape inside, so he shined his flashlight inside the doghouse and saw what looked like a zebra. As soon as he shined his light on Icky Isaac , the zebra started kicking and squealing. That scared Todd, and he jumped back.

Then Miss Prunella came out to see what the noise was. When Todd heard her coming he hid. She came out and yelled at Icky Isaac and started to whip him.

Todd saw this and when she went inside he decided to take Icky Isaac and hide him at his house. So he calmed the zebra down and led him to their family's barn.

The next day was an odd day and he awoke to the noise of spooked horses, cows, pigs, goats, and sheep. His parents found the zebra and told Todd to give it back to Miss Prunella. Todd said she would whip the zebra., but his parents said it had to go .So Todd gave the zebra to Miss Prunella and started to leave. He was at the edge of the woods when he saw the truck that had just pulled in with the word "circus" on it so he laid down and hid to see what it is was doing. Then two circus men got out and they put the zebra in the back of their truck.

Then Miss Prunella said "I want my two grand".

"No way," one of the men said. " Here's one hundred dollars but that's all you get."

"If that's all you'll give me then give me the zebra back."

"NO!" the man said again. Then he took a gun out of his jacket and said ,"Bob, let's kill her. She's tickin me off".

"No," said Jim." We'll see what the boss wants to do with her." Then they threw her into the truck.

The men started the truck and began to leave, so Todd sprinted into the trailer and hid inside the trailer behind some hay bales. He hid there for about two hours until the truck came to a sudden halt. After the men took Icky Isaac out, he snuck out to find Icky Isaac.He found him in a box which he quickly tore open and grabbed him by the collar and started to sneak away, until one of the men noticed Todd and began to pursue him. Then Todd had a brilliant idea. He leaped onto Icky Isaac's back , lightly kicked him and said, "Mush!" Immediately Icky Isaac waddled away down the bumpy road. The overweight zebranapper couldn't keep up, so Todd and Icky Isaac were on their way home.

When they were halfway back to the farm, Icky Isaac suddenly came to a halt. As quick as a flash he went up on his hind legs, threw Todd to the ground, and ran to the edge of the road. He started eating some weird red and black mushrooms. When Todd got up he looked over at the mushrooms and saw that they turned Icky Isaac from old, fat, weird, and ugly to a handsome, young, and strong zebra. Todd suddenly knew that the mushrooms were magic. Then Todd got back up on Icky Isaac and rode the rest of the way home. When he arrived home he told his parents about what had happened and they called the police who rescued Miss Prunella.

As soon as Miss Prunella got back, she saw how happy Icky Isaac was with Todd and said, "Todd there boy, you can keep that zebra."

The End.