Icky Isaac
the Zebra

by Ben Schweitzer

Owner: Miss Prunella

The boy that I will write about now is Todd. He really didn't know about Icky Isaac at first, but I can't say any more about that. He is 10 soon to be 11. He has brown hair and blue eyes and is 4'7". He is smart and loves to play outside. Even though he isn't big, he is tough and strong from all the hard work he had to do. For instance his family has some cows and horses so he has to build barns and carry hay bales . Remember he lives in a small town so there is lots of work to do. He is nice and has lots of friends, well, as many as a lot is in a small town.

Miss Prunella is 5'3" tall and is a little overweight. She is ugly. Her face is wrinkly with warts. She has curly gray hair down to her shoulders. She is mean.She drives around on a motorized wheelchair, the kind you see at the grocery store. Old people and people that can't walk very well use these. Miss Prunella is not very talkative, but when she talks what she says is never nice.

This zebra lives in a small town in Texas about 50 miles west of Killeen near the Colorado River. This town is so small that they didn't even take the time to put it on the map. I don't even think you can call it a town, it's more like a flat land with 10 houses on it with nothing else for 50 miles or more. On the edge of this small town, 1 mile from my house, is a trailer. Now this zebra lives in a doghouse near the trailer. This is in the year 1935 which is 4 years before World War II.It was a peaceful time with not much going on, but that summer all that changed.

This zebra is only three feet tall and its stripes are going the wrong way. Where its white stripes should be there are light red stripes and its tail is drags on the ground.He is aiso very fat.One of the strange things about him is that he is nice on even days and mean on odd days. We think he is as old as a zebra can get.


Two months ago Miss Prunella had the strangest dream. She owned a 2000 acre chinchilla farm. One day as she was feeding these small creatures one of them named Charlie jumped up and said, "I don't want to live on this stupid farm anymore. I want to go to Los Angeles , live in a five star hotel and eat in four star restaurants. I want to play poker with the big boys and use slot machines." Then off he ran to LA. So Miss Prunella grabbed her 12 gauge shotgun and took off in her rusted black pickup truck. She hated disobedient chinchillas.As she was speeding down the back roads to the highway,she saw what looked like a small rabbit on the side of the road.So she slammed on her brakes, did a 360 spin and landed no more than fifteen feet away from Charlie the Chinchilla. She yanked out her 12 gauge, aimed and woke up.