House in the hill

by Thomas Mateer

Dream: A big one story house in town, 1 acre

One day Joe was out hunting trolls in the woods and he sees troll tracks. They're fresh so Joe follows them and all of a sudden the tracks are gone! Joe gets suspicious, so he looks around. He looks behind the tree and there's a huge troll with a club! Joe gets out his sword and starts fighting. The troll knocks the sword right out of Joe's hand. Joe gets out his bow and arrows and shoots it. The troll falls right next to Joe and the club hits Joe right on the head. Suddenly Joe is on the ground and knocked out.

Then Joe is on an island. Joe stands up and the first thing Joe sees is a three foot six inch man who says, "Welcome to Beauty Island."

Joe said, "Ummm, who are you?"

The man said, "I'm George Tumbleweed, and you are?"

Joe answered, "I'm Joe."

"Nice to meet you, Joe," said George Tumbleweed.

Joe said, "Nice to meet you too. Where are we going?"

"To my house."


George Tumbleweed said, "Well, here's my house. You're welcome to stay with me at my house if you want."

Joe answered, "Thank you."

Joe looked around the house and walked to the window. When he looked out he said, "Whoa, what is that thing?"

George Tumbleweed replied, "Oh, that's a volcano."

"What does a volcano do?" asked Joe.

George Tumbleweed answered, "A volcano erupts and when a volcano erupts a lot of lava shoots out of it. This one hasn't erupted in ten thousand years."

Joe asked, "What's lava?"

George Tumbleweed answered, "OH brother! Lava is hot liquid that comes out of a volcano."

Joe said, "Oooooohhhhh...can we go up and get a closer look?"

George Tumbleweed said, "Oh, okay."


They leave the house and head for the top of the volcano, through the forest. It took them about an hour to get there. Once at the top George Tumbleweed said, "Okay, this is good, don't get any closer because you don't want to fall in."

Joe said, "Okay, let's go. But, first I want to go to the very top so I can see the island."

George Tumbleweed yelled, "Don't! Joe!"

Joe yelled, "George Tumbleweed! Help!" because he started to fall into the volcano, but he grabbed onto a root.

"Joe! Don't let go! I can't reach you!"

"I'm slipping! Help!" screamed Joe, who was falling into the volcano. Right before he hit the lava, Joe woke up! "Wow, that was a weird dream! It is three in the morning! I've got to get home."

The livingroom is Joe's second favorite place because his favorite place is the woods. Joe likes the living room because it's relaxing after a long day hunting trolls.

In the livingroom is a couch that pulls out into a bed. Joe has a dog that is 5 years old. There is a rug on the floor right by the fireplace and on the mantel are pictures of Joe and his dad when Joe killed his first troll. There are also pictures of him and his dog. In the corner there is a desk with his mail, papers, and pens. When Joe is bored he will write stories at the desk.

In the living room, up on the wall, is a hutch with his bow and arrows in one cabinet and his sword in another. In the bottom of the cabinet is armor, but Joe never wears it. It is armor that Joe's great, great, great grandfather wore in a battle about 300 years ago.


Joe lives in the house in the hill. He's an average sized man. Joe is 24 years old. Joe has brown hair and blue eyes. His favorite place is the woods by his house. His hobbies are shooting things with his bow and arrows. He can also handle a sword but he likes his bow better. His other hobbies are reading and working in his garden by the woods. He likes to scout in the woods by his house. He's a ranger who guards the woods by his house from trolls, because trolls are scattered all over the woods.

Surrounding the house in the hill are woods with trees as tall as 50 feet. On the edge of the woods is a garden that looks like it belongs to no one. The house in the hill takes up the whole hill. The chimney is hard to see, so no one can see that anyone lives there.

If you go past the woods you come to a very quiet road. You never see anyone on the road. Down the road is a mysterious house.

The mysterious house looks deserted. If you look in the window it is completely empty on the inside. Sometimes, at night, you can see a light coming from the mysterious house, and there is lots of noise.

Surrounding the mysterious house are lots of spider webs and very scary trees. Every day and night there is always lots of fog. It's always damp and dark over where the mysterious house is.

Covered in grass and flowers, the house built into the hill has a small door and two windows in the front. On top of the hill is a chimney. If you roll down the hill, you wouldn't know there was a house until you land at the bottom, by the door.

As you walk in you see a living room, a dining room, and a kitchen. You also see a stove and counters. On the stove is a pot of tea waiting to boil.

In the living room is a couch, a fire place, and a mantel with pictures on it. There is a rug on the floor, and a desk with papers and pens. All around the room there are huge shelves with books on them.

In the dining room there is a table and chairs. The hutch is filled with dishes and napkins, and there is a bathroom in the hall way.

In the winter it's warm because the fire in the fireplace is always going. Built into the side of the hill is a small ice house with lots of ice stored in it. In the summer the ice is used to cool the house.

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