Intergalactic House

by Sydney Green

Dream: Mansion

Hilary and Lindsay were having a sleepover at Lindsay's house one Friday night when Hilary had a strange dream. She dreamed she was in a huge house. At first she thought that she was just in the hallway, but then she saw a canopy bed and a window seat. The room was all pink except for a purple rug. She found the door and walked into the hallway. She saw a door next to the door she had just come out of, and walked in.

Inside was a bedroom with green wallpaper,and a blue carpet. She looked up and saw a ceiling that looked like the sky. She jumped in surprise when she saw birdcages with strange birds in them. There were 2 boxes in the room that she couldn't figure out what they were. She was getting a little freaked out, so she walked into the hallway again,and down the stairs to the first floor. Hilary saw a door and decied to take a chance and walk in.

Inside was what looked like a ballroon There was a huge chandiler. She was getting scared because she didn't know where she was or how she got there, but she could find her way around. Suddenly she heard someone calling her. "Hilary! Hilary! Wake up!"

"Wake up?", she thought. "Am I asleep?" She shut her eyes tightly then reopened them.

She wasn't in the huge house anymore. She was in Lindsay's room and Lindsay was there saying "Come on! There's pancakes in the kitchen!" Hilary was very relived. "It was just a dream.", she thought. "The weirdest dream I ever had." "I'm awake!", she told Lindsay, and got up to eat some pancakes.

One room in my house is the foyer. It is the room that the front door is in, so it's the first you see. Like all the other rooms in the house, the walls are pink, purple and blue tie-dye. It is as long as the house is, with 2 hallways at the far corners leading to the rest of the house. The foyer looks dusty and boring when you first look at it, but if you have been there before and have learned a few things about it you'll know about the hidden door on the left wall, the trap door under the welcome mat and the cramped passage to the library in the ceiling. Since not many people go in the house, no one knows for sure what noises you can hear when you're in it. But the people who have gone inside say that they hear all sorts of things that sound like piano playing, singing and what sounds like someone quickly writing on a sheet of paper. Everyone thinks that the deserted house is haunted, so no one has been in long enough to find the hidden doors and passages yet.

No Owner-Vistors Hilary and Lindsay

My house doesn't have an owner, but the people who will go in it are two 12 year old girls, Hilary and Lindsay, who are best friends. They look nothing alike. Hilary has blond hair and light brown eyes. Lindsay has red hair and green eyes. Hilary is 5 feet 2 inches tall, and Lindsay is half an inch taller. Hilary loves to tell jokes, while Lindsay has almost no sense of humor. Neither one is shy. They are both very smart, and have the same IQ score, which is 138. Despite their IQ score, they both strongly dislike school. They both would rather play out side, as long as Lindsay's older brother doesn't bother them. They live next door to each other on Main Street, in the town of Paris and see each other every day. My house is 30 yards from the field where they like to play catch on warm, sunny days, and have snowball fights on cold, snowy days.

It is in the wooden forest, the only house for thousands of miles. The wooden forest is on the planet Galinoid, which is one of 20 planets in the Nuown galaxy. On Galinoid, the weather is unpredictible. It could be 100 degrees fairenheit one day, snowing the next. Because of these drastic weather changes, not many people live on Galinoid, making it a quiet, peaceful place. Because there are not many houses on Galinoid, this house stands out a lot.

This house is on a planet in another galaxy where technology is not very good. It is a large house - 15 stories tall. It has 18 bedrooms, 7 bathrooms, and a huge kitchen. Since tecnology is not very good, the kitchen has a gas stove, but no microwave or fridge. The bedrooms have 1 bed and 1 dresser in each room. The living room has a lot of wood benches with backs on them. The lighting is done with candles. In the middle of the dining room there is a very large wooden table. There are a lot of bookcases and books in every room. The floors are wood. The inside walls are a pink, purple, and blue tie-dye pattern. The outside of the house is striped pink, purple and blue and made from logs. A house like this is very modern.

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