A Ranch house on a 250 acre cattle farm

by Robert Swinney

Dream: A Big Farmhouse

Samuel has a dream that he walks into a house that belongs to a detective, in his early thirties and his aunt. The house is very large and comfortable with porches in the front and back. There is a sewing room where his aunt is sewing a cartoon quilt and in the living room is watching a T.V. show. Than, Sanuel's alarm clock goes off.

You have to go into the attic to get to Samuels's Favorite room. On the far end there is a dusty trunk with his parent's name on the trunk. It has his dad's naval uniform and his mom's favorite hat. It has pictures from the time of their wedding until the trip before the crash. The were vacationing in Colorado to go sking. IT is his favorite room because he goes up there when he has a problem or has a flashback. There are old desks and furniture and lots of Christmas ornaments and boxes full of old stuff. There are stacks of old schoolbooks all over the place and his fathers projector with a box of old movies, that they watch on his parents birthday.

Samuel James Wallace

Samuel is 30 years old. He has solemn blue eyes, brown hair and olive skin. He has a noticeable scar on his forehead. Sam is 5'6" and weighs 188 pounds but is not fat. Sam takes care of his aunt and uncle, with his sister living nearby. HE is married with 4 children. His parents where killed in a plane crash when his was six. Sam survived but was left with a scar on his forehead.

The Farm is 3 miles from town and 1/2 mile from the nearest neighbor in a large hiLLY area of Mississippi. There are 100 acres of hay, 40 acres of soybeans, 80 acres of grazing, 20 acres of pines and the house sits on ten. The house sits, on a hill, in the front of the farm, facing west. There is a pool and a patio in the back of the house, with a garden behind it. The left side of the house has a small vineyard, the right side has fruit trees. A stream runs through the pasture fed by a spring. Old Oak tress cover the pasture, providing shade for the cows.

My house is Big with two feet of red bricks around the house,with 35" of glazed oak Forming up the walls It has a porch with a swing and some rocking chairs, it is a two story house, with a basement. The first floor has woodenfloors and the walls are greenish brownish stucco. It has 5 bedrooms, a living room, den, schoolroom, mudroom and 4 bathrooms.

When you walk in ,you walk down a hallway that has a coatrack and pictures of calf-roping, bull-riding and cattle-herding.

The Kitchen is on the left ,in this is a wood-or -gas-burning stove with an oven. Directly across the room there is a refrigerator ,with pictures of dairy cows.There is a stainless steel sink on the wall in between Refrigerator and the stove.There are cabinets on both sides of the sink and stove. There is also an old looking Chandelier hanging from the ceiling. Going down a six foot hallway there is a door at the end leading to the dining-room. To the left wall there is a bathroom.On the right ther is a staircase.In the dinning-room there is an old fashioned hutch with collectible items on the right side, on the left side there is a desk that holds extra silverwear ,on the walls there are family pictures. The dining table is in the middle of room and is 6ft long 3ft across and 3ft high.On the other side there is hallway at the end is the living room there are bookshelves and couches spread out across the room, There are pictures on the back wall and a entertainment center with a T.V and stereo. There are shelves on both sides ,with two windows on three of the four walls.There is also a door that leads to the bathroom. In the back of the house there is a mud-room, bathroom, a closet with sliding glass doors leading outside.

There are 20 stairs up to the hallway, at the end there is a guest room with a queen size bed, a small tv, and dvd player. Blue walls with a white bookshelf, dresser, tv stand and pictures of the seascape are on the walls. On the right there is the master beroom ;it is green with a queen size bed it has blue furniture a blue rug and curtains and a gun-case in the corner. To the left are two bed rooms one is hot-pink with sky-blue furniture and a stuffed animel collction and a box ofold-rock,new-rock and country music in the corner. The otherbedrooms each have a twin bed, dresser .

The basement has the water heater laundry area with a washer and dryer and food storage.

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