
by Elizabeth Mateer

Dream: A Ship

It was a snowy day at the mansion, The fifth of the seven-day snowfall. Patrick and Annie were stuck inside because it was much to cold to go out and play.

They were both in Patrick's room, Patrick was at his table practicing his card tricks and Annie was rolling around on the floor.

"What can we do today Patrick?" said Annie, suddenly sitting up.

"I played with all my toys and the kitty ran away from me again."

"I don't know what you want to do," said Patrick looking up from his cards, "but I'm working on my magic tricks because I'm putting on a show for mommy and dad tomorrow."

"AWWW couldn't you pretty please with ice cream and sugar and candy on top play with me?" said Annie, giving him the puppy dog look.

"I really, really, can't Annie, I have practice this trick because I keep messing it up." sighed Pat.

"Fine, then I'll go away." said Annie, stomping through the secret door.

Annie couldn't find anything to do so picked up a book and started fliping through it, looking at the pictures. She got bored with that, and, throwing the book aside, started watching her fish swim back and forth. Annie started to doze off, hypnotized by the the water and her fish.

All of a sudden, she was standing on the deck of a ship in the middle of the ocean on some strange planet. She looked over the side and saw fish, which looked remarkably like hers swimming back and forth along the ship. Annie turned around and, to her suprise, saw Patrick standing right there looking at her.

"How did you get here?" said Annie.

"I don't know, I was just getting my trick when I appeared here,

I guess my magic is better than I thought."

"Come on Pat, let's explore!" said Annie.

"OK, let's go!"

Annie and Patrick explored the entire ship, while hiding from the crew and the captain who they heard the crew talk about as Kat. They explored the cargo hold, and tried on jewels and tri-cornered hats.

They were playing with swords when the captain walked in and found them there.

"And what is this, stowaways?"

"RUN ANNIE!" Patrick shouted as they fled from the room. They were both very small so they could move quickly and could easily dodge the crew. The captain was not far behind however, and she soon caught up to them. Annie and Patrick were running when they turned a corner and the only thing left was the deck. They reached it and and realized that they were surrounded.

"What do we do?" cried Annie with tears welling up in her eyes.

The crew advanced, and the captain stepped forward. Patrick and

Annie started to scream. "AGGGHHHHH!"

"Annie opened her eyes and she was back in her room.

"Oh my goodness gracious!" she said, "It was only a dream, I'll go tell Pat right now!" She ran into his room and found him asleep at his card table.

"Pat, Pat, wake up! I just had a really cool dream, I was on a ship, and I was chased, and, and, you were there too!"

"Wow, this is so weird." Patrick said.

"What is?" asked Annie.

"I had the same dream."

I will be writing about two rooms, Patrick's room and Annie's > room. Both of their rooms are on the 2nd floor, which provides a > good view of the deck outside.

> Both their rooms are right next to each other, with a 'secret' > door in between so that they can visit each other.

> If you walk into Annie's room, right across from the door is a > huge window with a comfy window seat. Annie's room is very large, > she has a double canopy bed with a lacy pink comforter. She hates > it, but sometimes it is good for closing the curtains and playing > that she is trapped in a cave. All her walls and carpets are pink, > though she would much prefer red. Annie has a very big walk-in > closet. She also has a secret candy stash under her bed. Annie's > favorite place in her room is a small rug in one corner by her > fishtank. It is a thick, purple, fuzzy rug that was originally put > there for the dog, but Annie loves to lay on it to color or watch > her fish or play.

> Patrick has about the same size room as Annie. All of the walls > have green wallpaper on them and the carpet is a deep blue. The > ceiling is very interesting. It is painted to look like the sky, > complete with clouds. Hanging on the ceiling ar five birdcages with > all kinds of exotic birds in them. Patrick has a double bed that > has drawers in the bottom for him to store his toys and books. > There is a small card table in the middle of his room for patrick > to practice his magic tricks. He also has a walk-in closet. > Patricks favorite place in his room is his dissapearing boxes. He > has two boxes that he practices making Annie dissapear in, but he > also likes to hang out and play in them.

Patrick and Annie

A family of five lives in my home. A mom, dad, older sister, younger brother, and younger sister.

The older sister's name is Bianca, she is sixteen years old, has long black hair, dark brown eyes, and is a bit snobby.

The younger brother is one of the main characters. His name is Patrick. He is six years old, has short, shaggy, sandy brown hair with little curls in back, and hazel eyes. Patrick is playful and funny, he likes doing magic tricks for his family, and enjoys dancing.

The younger sister is the other main character. Her name is Annie. She is five years old, has medium length brown hair, brown eyes with blue streaks in them, is a bit small for her age, is very mischievous and always smells of peppermint candy. Annie enjoys horseback riding, chocolate sundaes, and terrorizing the kitchen staff.

Patrick and Annie are best friends. They spend so much time with each other that some people think that they are twins. One thing that they like to do together is explore the woods. One of their favorite places is the little clearing that I mentioned before, they love to play by the side of the brook and try to catch the fish that live in it.

They also like to play with panther-like creatures that roam free on the grounds. These creatures are like panthers in every way except for the fact that they are domesticated. They are very common on my 'earth'. Patrick and Annie are really very sweet kids.

My home is in a world that is in a galaxy that is parallel to ours. It is trillions of miles away. There is another sun and different planets. My earth is bigger than this earth, but it is not too different.

The environment surrounding my home is quite warm, however, it snows every seven weeks and the snow lasts for seven days. That is how the people tell the time and date there, by the snowfall.

It is not too crowded near my home, there is only one other home near it. The other house is similar in size, but varying in color and shape. If you are on the roof lounging in the hot-tub, as far as the eye can see I own all the land and beyond. The grounds are very picturesque, with flowerbeds surrounding many of the trees scattered throughout. If you go about four acres away from the mansion, you will see a small lake.

A large portion of the property is woods. There is a little clearing in the woods that has brook running through it and pretty wildflowers growing throughout it.

My home is a grayish-purple mansion with 5 stories. It is 15,000 sq. ft. It has 113 rooms and 301 windows. It is shaped like a horizontal capital 'I' with front double-doors right in the middle.

One of the more interesting rooms is the library. It is on the fourth floor. It has 10,003 books in it, many cozy couches and chairs, reading lamps on side tables, and thick soft rugs on the floor.

On the first floor is the ballroom. It has a large dancing floor in the middle, cream and gold colored walls, and a huge crystal chandelier that takes up half the ceiling.

Next door to the ballroom is the dining room. The dining room has a long mahogany table and matching chairs with red velvet cusions. It also has a large fireplace.

If you go up all five stories then take the spiral staircase up to the roof, you will find a 4 ft. deep pool on the right-hand side, a small hot-tub next to it and flower pots all around. On the left-hand side, there is a table and four wicker chairs, with more flower arrangements around.

The master bedroom is on the third floor. It has a large gold king size bed with a deep red comforter and red and gold pillows. The whole room smells nicely of lavender. Across from the bed there is a small marble fireplace with a painting of a horse over it. If you are facing the bed and you look to the right, you will see a set of french doors that open to a balcony.

On the second floor is a television room with a movie theatre size television.

Through the back door is a large deck which is attached to the house. It has another wicker table and chairs set.

I have only described five of the 113 rooms, the roof, and the deck, but many of the other rooms will reveal themselves later.

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