A hollow and depressing mansion

by Annie Morgan

Dream: A tree house

Ms. Neda Tufu has a dream.

In this dream Ms. Tufu walks up a ladder leading to a tree house. She did not know where she was.

All that Ms. Tufu smells is sea. As she turns she sees a telescope in the corner of the tree house.

Ms. Tufu turned to the left and sees a forest.

She turned to the right and there's nothing but ocean.

Wind is smacking her face. She is being knocked off her feet. As she is being knocked off she feels hazy and dizzy, like the way you feel somtimes in a dream when you don't know what's going on. Everything is starting to fade. All color is being sucked away. Ms. Tufu wakes up with a sweat.

The room I will describe is the attic.

The attic is on the very top of the house. When you walk up the stairs they creak and sound like they are going to come out from under you.

Inside the attic is a drawer. The drawer is the only piece of furniture in the room. The drawer is made out of rusty wood that could give you a bad splinter. There is only one thing inside the drawer and that is a drawing of a girl with blond hair, freckels, and a smile that looks forced.

No one has been inside the attic in years. At one time the attic may have been a room.

The only thing living in the attic is rats and termits.

The attic floor creaks and has some boards that are missing.

There is only one window inside the room that looks over the ocean. It is a great spot to be in at sunset.

Ms. Neda Tufu

Ms. Tufu is a very uptight person.

She dislikes children and is sweet and nice to adults.

Ms. Tufu has a garden that not one person (except herself) may enter.

It is very rare for one smile to come across her face.

She has brown hair that is always tied in a bun that looks as though it is going to rip her hair off her head. She is always clean and has wrinkley skin that looks like a crisp sugar cookie. Ms. Tufu always smells like burnt toast. She has a stern and deep voice that you would not want to hear in a spooky room. And a thin body. Her teeth are pale yellow.

She can not stand things to be out of place or messy.

Her favorite thing to do is write novels. Such as "Ten Ways to Stop Children's Impoliteness," or, "Why Do Your Children Not Listen."

This mansion is on a fairly large island.

It is surronded by trees and flowers that are bare in the winter, spectacular in the spring, and dry in the summer.

In the winter white snowflakes come down. In the spring everything is cool and sprouted, and in the summer it is warm and dry.

The house is quiet.

In the night you can here the crickets chirping.

It stands out very much. It is tall and easy to spot.

There are no other houses on this island.

The islands name is "Charlette Island." But no one knows why.

The time peroid is in the early 1900s

This is a huge mansion on an island. The house is wide and depressing. If you yell you will here an echo that is so dead it will feel as though you are the only person on earth. This house is made out of only brick. There are hundreds of rooms. (There could even be some rooms that no one knows about.) There is a crystal clear view of the ocean. Inside there is beutiful designs. There is a whole wall made out of marble. This house is not a house to play in.

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